Aku search kt internet utk design Frisbee grup aku..apa itu Frisbee nnt aku cta k..hahaha dgn tidak semena-mena nya aku tjumpa sesuatu yg agak bengong p nada, seni pn ada, nk kta budus pn xtau la..huhu ada sesetengah manusia rsa bnda ni sbg seni tp bg aku rsa mcm mnyakitkn diri sndiri ada la..cuba bayangkn klu habuk mata pn kita dh tenyeh bkn men pedih meleleh2 air mata ini kan plak nk cocok bijik mata 2..huhuhu tgk la sndiri n then korg gtau la pndapat samada kejadah ni seni or budus…hihi
sorang ophthalmologist (eye M.D.). claims dat this is a very bad idea. Ink 2 akan di cocok juz underneath the conjunctiva (superficial clear skin layer of the eye). Tp,kalai jarum 2 penetrates dekat dgn sclera (much less than 1 millimeter thick) si manusia yg merelakan mata nya di cocok ni will b very likely 2 develop a retinal detachment/endopthalmitis dan pendek kata senang aku nk explain adalah permanently blinded.
Doc 2 jgk ada menyatakan “Do you trust your tattoo artist to not push the needle 0.2 millimeters too far? When I do ocular surgery I always have a very powerful operating microscope and an instrument to keep the eye immobilized. Ophthalmologists are paid the big bucks because we have the steadiest hands of any surgeons, but even I wouldn't try this without a microscope and equipment. Most of the time it would probably work out fine, but when it doesn't you can kiss your vision goodbye and I probably wouldn't be able to help. GOOD LUCK!” hahaha doc pn say bye2 kt mata korg..haha no komen..
mesti tertanya2 kn mcm mna nk wat tatto kt dlm mata ni kan?meh aku tnjuk proses2 nya..so sapa yg lemah smgt or ada sakit jntung or adik bradik kpd 'haaaaa...semputtt (sepah)', haha jgn ngada2 nk tgk ok..aku x btggung jwb..huhu ok?!hav a nice view ok.. :P
so, amacam?hihi
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